After installing the app, you will be asked to register your details to start the 14-day free trial, we will email your login details for the device, and to access the website, with a link to the manual.
Whilst using the trial version, you will have access to five sample reporting templates, from different business sectors, this will allow you to evaluate how easy to use the TIM mobile reporting app is.
The templates can be customized with your logos, and branding.
Note, if you move to a full account, the templates can be designed specific to your companies onsite reporting requirements
‘TIM’ - The Inspection Manager - is the complete mobile surveying and reporting application developed specifically to improve the productivity and efficiency of teams working in:
Commercial Asset Management
Civil Engineering
Facilities/property Management
Local authorities
Our clients are producing reports in less than 50% of the time it previously took using conventional data gathering and report production methods.
The reporting templates are created by our in house design team, bespoke to individual company requirements - from simple forms to site surveys, audit inspection reports, and commercial ‘contract class’ documents.
Streamlining your workflow documentation systems will drive significant improvements in productivity - transforming business processes whilst improving staff satisfaction levels through the removal of repetitive data entry and laborious report writing.
* Complete any type of report using your Android device quickly and easily
* reduce the time onsite by 50%
* Web portal access for management and colleagues
* Double your output by removing the need for repetitive admin work.
* Move to real-time on-site reporting.
* Share files with work-groups and clients more effectively.
Setelah menginstal aplikasi, Anda akan diminta untuk mendaftarkan rincian Anda untuk memulai percobaan gratis 14-hari, kami akan email rincian login Anda untuk perangkat, dan untuk mengakses website, dengan link ke manual.
Sementara menggunakan versi trial, Anda akan memiliki akses ke lima template pelaporan sampel, dari sektor bisnis yang berbeda, ini akan memungkinkan Anda untuk mengevaluasi bagaimana mudah untuk menggunakan TIM pelaporan aplikasi seluler adalah.
Template dapat disesuaikan dengan logo Anda, dan branding.
Catatan, jika Anda pindah ke account penuh, template dapat dirancang khusus untuk perusahaan Anda persyaratan pelaporan onsite
'TIM' - The Inspeksi Manager - adalah survei mobile yang lengkap dan pelaporan aplikasi yang dikembangkan secara khusus untuk meningkatkan produktivitas dan efisiensi tim bekerja di:
Manajemen Aset Komersial
Teknik Sipil
Fasilitas / Manajemen Properti
Orang yang berwenang dalam lingkup lokal
Klien kami memproduksi laporan dalam waktu kurang dari 50% dari waktu yang sebelumnya mengambil menggunakan metode produksi pengumpulan data dan laporan konvensional.
Template pelaporan yang dibuat oleh kami di tim desain rumah, dipesan lebih dahulu dengan kebutuhan masing-masing perusahaan - dari bentuk-bentuk sederhana untuk survei lokasi, laporan inspeksi audit, dan 'kontrak kelas' dokumen komersial.
Memperlancar sistem dokumentasi alur kerja Anda akan mendorong perbaikan yang signifikan dalam produktivitas - mengubah proses bisnis sementara meningkatkan tingkat kepuasan staf melalui penghapusan entri data berulang dan penulisan laporan melelahkan.
* Lengkapi jenis laporan menggunakan perangkat Android Anda dengan cepat dan mudah
* Mengurangi waktu penukaran hingga 50%
* Akses portal Web untuk manajemen dan rekan
* Gandakan output Anda dengan menghilangkan kebutuhan untuk pekerjaan admin berulang-ulang.
* Pindah ke real-time pelaporan di tempat.
* Berbagi file dengan pekerjaan-kelompok dan klien lebih efektif.
After installing the app, you will be asked to register your details to start the 14-day free trial, we will email your login details for the device, and to access the website, with a link to the manual.
Whilst using the trial version, you will have access to five sample reporting templates, from different business sectors, this will allow you to evaluate how easy to use the TIM mobile reporting app is.
The templates can be customized with your logos, and branding.
Note, if you move to a full account, the templates can be designed specific to your companies onsite reporting requirements
‘TIM’ - The Inspection Manager - is the complete mobile surveying and reporting application developed specifically to improve the productivity and efficiency of teams working in:
Commercial Asset Management
Civil Engineering
Facilities/property Management
Local authorities
Our clients are producing reports in less than 50% of the time it previously took using conventional data gathering and report production methods.
The reporting templates are created by our in house design team, bespoke to individual company requirements - from simple forms to site surveys, audit inspection reports, and commercial ‘contract class’ documents.
Streamlining your workflow documentation systems will drive significant improvements in productivity - transforming business processes whilst improving staff satisfaction levels through the removal of repetitive data entry and laborious report writing.
* Complete any type of report using your Android device quickly and easily
* reduce the time onsite by 50%
* Web portal access for management and colleagues
* Double your output by removing the need for repetitive admin work.
* Move to real-time on-site reporting.
* Share files with work-groups and clients more effectively.